the hate savage lies within
its blind eyes hating all it cannot see
clouded white, unblinking and cold
waiting for the light to dim
in darkness the sighted and unsighted
exist equally.
the hate savage lies within
its deaf ears hating all it cannot hear
cauliflower cartilage, twisted and numb
waiting for the sound to dim
in silence the heard and unheard
exist equally.
the hate savage lies within
its mute tongue hating all it cannot say
tar blackened, bitten and bloodied
waiting for the words to dim
in gasps the spoken and unspoken
exist equally.
the hate savage lies within
its scentless nose hating all it cannot smell
flattened, congested and running
waiting for the smells to dim
in miasma the scented and unscented
exist equally.
the hate savage lies within
its numb fingers hating all it cannot touch
calloused, gnarled and broken
waiting for the touch to dim
insensate the feeling and unfeeling
exist equally.