Sunday, May 21, 2017

if i were god

if i were god no one would die, be sick, disabled or old
i would raise the dead from the start of the garden
and make them hale and whole and forever well
it would not be a problem finding food
nor a problem finding space
nor a problem making everything perfect
because i would be god
and all things are possible

i would know the fate of every pet, plant and sparrow
all would be shining and alive forever
and pain, suffering and sorrow would be banished
and shame, hate and poverty would be banished
and every atom would be aligned
and this would be easy
because i would be god
and all things are possible

if all is possible for god why is all in misery why is all in shame
why is all hate burning so fast and hot in our minds and souls
why is entropy advancing and pity retreating
all is in reverse of a kind and peaceful god
questions are not allowed
faith is all that is required
because i am not god
and magic is not is possible



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