Sunday, April 21, 2019

easter sunday

on an easter morning in the 50s
my sister and i received 
a large easter basket each
the crowning glory
was a huge chocolate bunny
hollow and waiting to be eaten

but i could not eat mine
first was the dreary inevitable
of an easter sunday high mass
with the chanting and the incense
the pageantry and the raiments
the liturgy and the sermon

my heart and soul grew faint
at the thought of being wedged
between my mother and her friends
on the pew in their easter finery
with their latest hairsprayed hairstyles
and reeking of pungent perfume

i carried the chocolate bunny
and hid it in the backseat of the car
under tissues and it cowered
all through mass as my father 
sat and smoked and read the paper
as the warm spring day heated up

after mass we were greeted
with an unwholesome mess
of melted bunny and tissue
fearful of my parents’ anger
i managed to spread the mess
and covered my hands and shirt

it could not be hidden
once we returned home but
i cannot recall what punishment
was meted out to the devilish boy
i suppose my father tried to clean
the seat but the stain remained

often during road trips long and short
my sister and i avoided the spot
as if it were lava on the seat
we’d sit on our separate sides
me on the left and she on the right
pressed against the door panels

a year later my father sold the car
the stain a shadow of itself 
the place where still we would not sit
perhaps another child again avoided
the melted chocolate bunny stain
that spread beneath mercury’s gaze



Sunday, April 14, 2019

the tomb of words

I dreamt that all poems were written
and that we’d write poems no more
a silence of words fell across the land
every language and every tongue

And when I tried to write the words
into a new and different form
to be original and and to be alive
the words would form no more

And all the words settled into an order
and all the thoughts followed in turn
and all the minds went rigid within
and all the voices sounded along

Neither good nor evil nor hot nor cold
the words fell as an invisible rain
upon the soundless empty souls
and new thought was frozen solid

I woke to find that all the words
had congealed upon my tongue
my mouth too full to spit them out
my throat too narrow to swallow

I woke to find that all the poems 
had been reduced to dust
what was important is not now
and the words interred into tombs

These tiny tombs did not hold
the dreaming words were unquiet
the ghosts of thoughts rose to haunt
my hopes of waking poems once more.




i am frail
and i fear the moments 
of weakness inside


the tools are clumsy in my hands these days
i used to be so quick and sure
dropping the hammer dropping the nails
fumbling with my fingers
measuring and remeasuring 
and missing the cut

why do my hands seem to get in the way
they once were delicate and nimble
this is the second time i dropped that
stiff and unwieldy fingers
grip loosening and tightening
a hair more a hair less

my body has betrayed me in the aging days
eyes unclear reflexes unsure
memories dropped careless and wasteful
the fingers slow to open or close
numbing and cold
the jagged cut too short




in this life
i have done everything wrong
i want to start over

death inside creeps

hovering at the closed door
until beckoned
death, silent, inside creeps
the cold breath
across the warm face 
lips part and slacken
the tongue lolls
the eyes turn
and motion settles
and time keeps on




you know I loved you with all my heart
it was just that I didn’t have enough heart for you




I do not understand your petty god
he does not sound like a god
he sounds like an old man
weak and trembling in the night
afraid of losing the power he holds

i do not understand your petty god
why does he fear other gods
and forbids us their worship
weak and vain and not all powerful
careful to conceal a lack of power at all



the man in the mirror

i see the man in the mirror
but i do not know what others see
an aging balding softening man
or some kind of evil to avoid

i used to not hate the mirror
but these day the less seen the better
i brush my hair in a reflection
my teeth in furtive glimpses

i am surrounded by framed photographs
but in only one of them is me
hidden in a corner of the bookshelf
a young man unaware of what is to come




one minute i was the all-American
john wayne fighting machine
and the next i was lying helpless
on the ground crying for help
watching the blood run out of me
the darkness pulling closer
the light fading
a sacrifice on the altar of greed



the hate savage

the hate savage lies within
its blind eyes hating all it cannot see
clouded white, unblinking and cold
waiting for the light to dim
in darkness the sighted and unsighted
exist equally.

the hate savage lies within
its deaf ears hating all it cannot hear
cauliflower cartilage, twisted and numb
waiting for the sound to dim
in silence the heard and unheard
exist equally.

the hate savage lies within
its mute tongue hating all it cannot say
tar blackened, bitten and bloodied
waiting for the words to dim
in gasps the spoken and unspoken
exist equally.

the hate savage lies within
its anosmic nose hating all it cannot smell
flattened, congested and running
waiting for the smells to dim
in miasma the scented and unscented
exist equally.

the hate savage lies within
its numb fingers hating all it cannot touch
calloused, gnarled and broken
waiting for the touch to dim
insensate the feeling and unfeeling
exist equally.




The Thanksgivings continue to add up
and my heart is no longer quite broken.
It is oddly lumpy and scarred and battered
and has lost the ability to mourn and wail
but it is definitely of one piece.

Every year a bit is gained a bit is lost
and I ignore the consequences of this.
It is a part of aging a part of life and of dying
that goes on until it doesn’t
until I am no longer aware of the sequence.

A memory here a recollection there
like relics to be prayed over and mulled.
I have collected all I can collect
that collection is now part of the background
and collects dust in place of tears.

Except every now and then a solitary spark
ignites the fire to flames once again.
These fires threaten to engulf and overwhelm
they crackle and spread from the center
to my mind to my heart to my soul.

Yet each time they start to burn and encroach 
upon some unscarred ground they dampen down.
A lack of fuel a lack of oxygen a lack of heat
saves me once again from the memories
banked and dulled amongst the ashes.

Thanksgiving is a wind barely stirring the embers
though there are other days I dread and avoid.
I seek to pour water on the smoldering
I need to quench the center of the fire
that welds my lump of a heart together.



My American Mirror

As I open up the page
and look into my American mirror
I never know what I’ll see
waves of joy winds of hope
clouds of fear rains of hate
all pierce my American eye
and settle in my mind

As I open up the page
and stare into my American mirror
am I aghast at what I see
rivers of wealth mountains of goods
deserts of hunger canyons of waste
all enter my American eye
and settle in my mind

As I open up the page
and glance into my American mirror
do I know what I see
schools of love cities of peace
houses of despair temples of self
all touch my American eye
and settle in my mind

As I open up the page
and delve into my American mirror
should I love what I see
armies of help masses of kindness
souls of solitude hearts of loneliness
all pass my American eye
and settle in my mind

As I open up the page
and step into my American mirror
must I accept what I see
wonders of freedom glories of triumph
despairs of slavery depths of imprisonment
all blind my American eye
and settle in my mind



terse words

written words are shadows of thought
etched upon the page in ash
their meanings vary
self-serving to insightful 
they are ghosts until read

spoken words are echoes of thought
caste upon the atmosphere
their meanings vary
lies to truth
they are ghosts until heard

shouted words are bullets of thought
shot into the mind
their meanings vary
encouragement to destruction
they are ghosts until fired 

whispered words are vestiges of thought
shimmering on the surface
their meanings vary
seduction to malice
they are ghosts until shared

remembered words are dreams of thought
lost in the mind
their meanings vary
delight to horror
they are ghosts until recalled

forgotten words are essences of thought
distilled its most basic
their meanings vary
tongue tips to nagging
they are ghosts until failed

guilty words are crimes of thought
twisted into innocence
their meanings vary
shame to pride
they are ghosts until arisen

whimpered words are sorrows of thought
clad in the moments of weakness
their meanings vary
remorse to helpless
they are ghosts until sounded

terse words are the ends of thought
best left unspoken
their meanings vary
unwritten and unthought
they are ghosts until understood




the price of prayer

the price of life

life is taken away
and life is given back
yet somehow it does not balance
in the heart
i cannot trade one life for another
they all seem to tear away pieces of my heart
when one arrives it demands its share of the love
and when it leaves it takes that share away

how much love
is left in the heart
perhaps that is why it flutters and fumbles at night
when sleepless
the restless unbidden thoughts mingle
that which is present and that which is absent
until the early light brings sleepless to wakeless
and begins a new cycle of pauses and regrets

the bits of love
that have been given away
do they stay in others’ lives forever
or are castaway
a bloody shadow here a dried wisp there
littering the paths that were taken
discarded wantonly disposed of carelessly
and left to mark the trails that could never be

i scatter my life
as i scatter my love
in the knowledge of imbalance
left are memories and tears
furrowing the age of the face until all is barren
twitching vacant loveless heartless and drying
awaiting the savage moment that lies between
the sad slow movement of time to life to death




the seconds and minutes drag
while the days weeks and months flash by
my inner clock is out of touch
confused by the real time that never ceases



The Call Button

I was flying across the Pacific
and, inadvertently, I pressed the call button
and when the flight attendant appeared
I roused myself out of a mid-flight
half sleep half wake
and apologized and went back to my half state

Another call button arose in my thoughts
it was the early sixties and I was awaiting
a minor operation on a Sunday afternoon
bored in the hospital fascinated by the TV remote
warned to never press 
the call button lying snakelike next to my pillow

I must have clicked the television through
its three or four channels a thousand times
sparing a glance every other minute
to the forbidden call button by my head
all night as I half slept
it winked and beckoned in the room's half light

And yet another call button came to my mind
into a cool hospital room as I watched my mother
wrapped in ice to cool the fever
and wrapped in morphine to cool the pain
as breathing stopped
and I reached for the call button by her head




There are many mirrors in my house
most of them cut me off at about neck high
so I can see how much weight I've gained
but not how much hair I’ve lost
or how many lines crease my face

There is one mirror in the hallway
between the bathroom and the backdoor
that allows me to groom and brush my teeth
without bending over double
and I look in it each time I go to step outside

It is my window of truth and I hate it
no matter how I ask it never lies
despite the dimness or brightness of the light
it is never kind and never harsh
it is just a measure of what is and that is all



i am more than one person
i am a different person for each situation i encounter 
and a different person for each person i encounter

and i am a different person 
when i am alone at different times and in different places
that time when i am alone, calm and collected

and a different person
that time when i am consumed by rage at the action of another
and the time i feel compassion at their helplessness

and that time in the deep of the night 
when i awake from the nightmare alone and afraid
and even my ghosts have abandoned me



in me

I wonder about the human in me
what keeps it civilized, what keeps it sane
the animal wrenches and writhes
just below the surface
threatening to emerge
at the least convenient moment

I feel the struggle when I’m at my weakest
where do these thoughts come from
the evil words bubble and roil
scum upon the surface
a sickly foam leaking 
at the corners of a silent mouth

I recall all that was once in me
I quiver and gag at the weakness displayed
disavow the evil and anger and ignorance
hidden under a surface
of a shimmering mask
and acknowledge that it was real

I wonder how much of the evil
was of me and by me and for me
and how much was instilled in me
the inclination to hate
the disposition to judge
prejudice and bias mocking reality

I ask should I forgive myself 
or forever wallow in guilt and remorse
and lie that it wasn’t really me
it was the animal
it was the untamed
that was in control of my heart



the six-legged spider

there is a six legged spider in my bathroom
i first saw it in my kitchen
hanging around the sink
one night when i turned on the light 
it scuttled under a table
just in time to avoid my foot

the next morning it wasn’t there
and I didn’t think about it for a while
but then I saw it lurking near the sink again
i began to think of it as a friend
i hoped it would eat the gnats and flies
that swoop as i pour the salad dressing

then again i didn’t see it for a few days
and i wondered if it had left or died
i looked under the table 
and looked under the toaster
and then i saw it in the bathroom
clinging to the shower door

from the kitchen to the bathroom
was quite a journey for the spider
through the carpet around the sleeping dogs
under the dining room table a television
and through several closed doorways
to the opaque glass of the shower door

it has been about a week since it made the move
and everyday it moved a bit here a bit there
until yesterday when it moved to the ceiling
and now it hangs a few inches above my head
as i enter and leave the shower
i glance up each time

i wonder what happened to its legs
i wonder where it will go next
will it find its way out the back door
to the real world where spiders roam
or will it wait above my head
until it withers and joins the legs that are gone




This morning I awoke
and before I glanced in the mirror
I put on my morning mask
then I looked and saw what I expected
a disheveled man with white hair
and sleepy eyes.

Then I made a cup of coffee
and as I drank it
I saw my reflection in the monitor
and I decided to put on a new mask
I call it the disheveled man after coffee


hate arises from somewhere within
unbidden and shameful and tasting
of some unknown moldy sour fruit
it sicken the tongue and burns the lips
and leaves the mouth rancid and rotting

hate the master and i the slave
i never knew i had so much hate in me
where does it live, reaching the point
then bursts forth from its womb
leaving the face twisted and scarred

hate bubbles and boils under the skin
awaiting the pin-prick to burst
to spew and writhe and disgust
driving thought and knowledge away
until only ignorance is left

hate is so much stronger than love
dormant and then reanimated
with the slightest taste or smell
hate lingers beneath biding and plotting
leaving its shell in the moment

hate fills so much that is inside me
i wonder that I can contain it all
i fear to open my lips or eyes or ears
lest more flow in filling and bulging
leaving it nowhere to go but out

hate has the human face and body
the heart and soul are empty husks
hate has the life of a god
the ability of turning joy to misery
leaving the sun blotted out the stars black

hate is cunning and cruel and mindless
i have learned to live with my hate
to disguise my true nature, masked
to cast my eyes away from the real
leaving a pleasant lie on my face

hate has the power to turn life to death
mewling and whining and spitting
the unseeing unfeeling and grim
without the benefit of grace or mercy
and only the primitive urges remain




Because I am not black
I cannot speak for black people
all over the world,
especially black Americans.

I grew up white and privileged
in a nation where merely by being white
I was privileged.

Because I am not a woman
I cannot speak for women
all over the world,
American or not.

I grew up male and privileged
in a time when merely by being male
I was privileged.

Because I am a human
I can try to speak for humans
all over the world,
even Americans.

I can see, think and feel
and try to rise above my sense of privilege
even if it hurts.

Because I am a human
I can dream for all humans
all over the world



everything everyone has ever wanted

the godstick


sitting in another room
separated from motion
a glance at the clock
a glance back down 
at the trembling hands
waiting each minute apart
a minute taken from life

set too far to reconnect
separation not nearly enough
a blink clears the eyes
a blink clouds them
waiting between the blinks
motion has betrayed life

standing above the form
separated eyes locked
a tear caught in frozen time
a tear caught on the tongue
waiting the moment of birth
and the minute of death

pacing between the seconds
separation both near and far
a nod and sleep claims
a nod and a start 
waiting for waiting to awake 
motion too quick to catch

kneeling in prayless prayer
separated from life from death 
a whispered endearment
a whispered cry
waiting for the breath to stop
hoping that the breath doesn’t stop



my father's voice

i awoke at 3:00 a.m. 
with my father’s voice echoing in my head
i lay there for some time
trying to bring it back again

i have not heard
my father speak in over 25 years
the last i saw of him
both of us tearful as i drove away

while he lay dying
he wrestled death in silence
gripping my hand in an iron grasp
blankly unseeing unhearing unspeaking

i wondered if he knew whose hand he gripped
i hoped he knew i’d finally come home again
my selfish heart
my willful soul

when i heard his voice
i forced myself awake
and opened my eyes blind in the darkness
only to waken from the dream alone

he had called my name
whether in need
whether is anger
i will never know


i lay there shivering for some time
afraid to wake afraid to sleep
until finally i turned
and waited to hear again



the animal moments

little moments of animal death
exist inside all
the moments of weakness
the moments of fear
when vulnerability arrives

the animal knows
that which the human denies
the animal accepts
that which the human hides
the little moments are the real

the animal death within
outside the husks of angels and gods
raiments dry rigid scraping against
the moments of disbelief
the moments within the lies

at the moment of animal death
the eyes know true dark
the ears true silence
the heart learns true stillness
and the mind winds down

the animal waits
as the light fades
and as all the sounds disappear
as the last touch comes and is gone
inside the animal death

lower than angels we live
higher than the beasts
yet in the beasts is truth
in the beasts the moments exist
and in the beasts the moments cease



the year of the dog

our dogs are getting older
i can see it in their movements
slower and stiffer
and not as likely to jump for joy

it seems like a moment has passed
since they were a nonstop bundle
twisting and turning and scratching and biting
and running and jumping and landing in my arms

in these intervening years
all of our other dogs have moved on
death has no mercy and no remorse
it takes the worst and the best

i used to joke our house was a dog farm
words spoken in pride as much as jest
and now i say to those who listen
that these are our last dogs

my selfish heart cannot bear
to watch them suffer and die
my selfish mind cannot stand
to let them escape me

of course i come alive
when i see them 
but I dread the savage moment
when life transcends into death

my weakness is exposed
the coward in me awakes
and cringes and cries in the night
when no one can hear

the last dogs
the last living things in my soul
the end of the human that is me
the end of the god that is in me


the moment of value

i got a new chair the other day
now i sit in it all the time as i read 
my old chair is angled beside
a miss-matched couple they stand

i see the old chair out of the corner of my eye
does it seem sullen and disappointed and grim
or is it sad and left out and hopeless
who knows what goes on in a chair’s mind

does it imagine that i’ll return to it someday
to be held comfortably in its arms
it was intimately formed to me
my head my hips my legs settled within

in my life i have had many chairs
new and old and whole and broken
ones bought ones given and ones stolen
all enslaved to do my bidding and be on call

can how i treat possessions be compared 
to how i treat those who are beloved
used and discarded and replaced and gone
treasured and wasted as all before

i am a taker and not a giver
i am a user and not to be used
i am a possessor and not possessed
only to me do all of my moments have value



a dream before dying

when my mother lay dying
swaddled in ice to cool the fever
and steeped in morphine to cool the pain
she dreamed of her house

a house she hated
and complained about every day
it was too big too hot too cold
and too hard to clean

as she stared at the wall by her bed i sat
unseen beside her, book in hand
a hole in my stomach, a heart in my throat
waiting for all time to stretch out

she babbled on about the dog
and the mess that he’d made
as he ate, bite by bite
his food from the dish to the floor

and lapped his water
splashing even more
for her to bend and wipe away
day after day, meal after meal

when she was still able
she’s make her simple lunch
a sandwich for her and one for the dog
cut in bite sized pieces, the better to spread

my father called the dog his hearing ear
when, as he sat deaf and clueless, 
the phone rang the door chimed or his wife called
the dog scurried about and spoke

either to the desk where the phone sat
or the door leading to the front door
or the hallway leading to the sick room
where she lay helpless

my sister and i returned home reluctantly
full of selfishness and fear
a few minutes and we were gone to see our friends
gone to sweep all thoughts from our minds

until the decline could not be denied
and we sat by her side alternately
praying and wishing and hoping and dreaming
this was the last time i ever prayed

the mindless soulless alien god we worshiped
had abandon us and only logic and reason remained
alongside a heart forever shrunken
and a soul riddled in holes and ripped apart

if my mother ever spoke again i do not know
neither my father nor sister mentioned it
and today I cannot recall telling them
that my mother saw our dog with her last sight

a few days later all went still
the gasping breathe the stuttering heart
and as my father entered the hospital room
i did not have to speak

