Sunday, April 14, 2019


sitting in another room
separated from motion
a glance at the clock
a glance back down 
at the trembling hands
waiting each minute apart
a minute taken from life

set too far to reconnect
separation not nearly enough
a blink clears the eyes
a blink clouds them
waiting between the blinks
motion has betrayed life

standing above the form
separated eyes locked
a tear caught in frozen time
a tear caught on the tongue
waiting the moment of birth
and the minute of death

pacing between the seconds
separation both near and far
a nod and sleep claims
a nod and a start 
waiting for waiting to awake 
motion too quick to catch

kneeling in prayless prayer
separated from life from death 
a whispered endearment
a whispered cry
waiting for the breath to stop
hoping that the breath doesn’t stop



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