Sunday, April 14, 2019

general quarters

my father woke himself at six
every morning six days of the week
but on sundays he slept in
a few minutes before mass began
our mother would ask my sister and i
to wake our father
so he could drive us to church

he never attended church himself
he sat outside in the parking lot
reading the sunday papers
my sister and i would stand outside 
the bedroom door
pushing and shoving
pinching and punching silently

over who would have to awaken him
when he was awoken suddenly
he gave a great start
and threw his legs out of the bed
planting them on the floor solidly
and in that moment became aware 
of his surroundings

the legacy of thirty years of shipboard life
standing watch and working days
and always ready
when general quarters was called
there was no emergency in the house
and my father
a trifle wild eyed but wide awake

he would take a glance around
run a hand through his sparse hair
slip on his slippers
suppress a cough or two
then he would reach for his cigarettes
strike a match 
and inhale his first breath of the day



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