Sunday, April 14, 2019

the year of the dog

our dogs are getting older
i can see it in their movements
slower and stiffer
and not as likely to jump for joy

it seems like a moment has passed
since they were a nonstop bundle
twisting and turning and scratching and biting
and running and jumping and landing in my arms

in these intervening years
all of our other dogs have moved on
death has no mercy and no remorse
it takes the worst and the best

i used to joke our house was a dog farm
words spoken in pride as much as jest
and now i say to those who listen
that these are our last dogs

my selfish heart cannot bear
to watch them suffer and die
my selfish mind cannot stand
to let them escape me

of course i come alive
when i see them 
but I dread the savage moment
when life transcends into death

my weakness is exposed
the coward in me awakes
and cringes and cries in the night
when no one can hear

the last dogs
the last living things in my soul
the end of the human that is me
the end of the god that is in me


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