Sunday, April 14, 2019

the six-legged spider

there is a six legged spider in my bathroom
i first saw it in my kitchen
hanging around the sink
one night when i turned on the light 
it scuttled under a table
just in time to avoid my foot

the next morning it wasn’t there
and I didn’t think about it for a while
but then I saw it lurking near the sink again
i began to think of it as a friend
i hoped it would eat the gnats and flies
that swoop as i pour the salad dressing

then again i didn’t see it for a few days
and i wondered if it had left or died
i looked under the table 
and looked under the toaster
and then i saw it in the bathroom
clinging to the shower door

from the kitchen to the bathroom
was quite a journey for the spider
through the carpet around the sleeping dogs
under the dining room table a television
and through several closed doorways
to the opaque glass of the shower door

it has been about a week since it made the move
and everyday it moved a bit here a bit there
until yesterday when it moved to the ceiling
and now it hangs a few inches above my head
as i enter and leave the shower
i glance up each time

i wonder what happened to its legs
i wonder where it will go next
will it find its way out the back door
to the real world where spiders roam
or will it wait above my head
until it withers and joins the legs that are gone



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