Sunday, April 14, 2019

the animal moments

little moments of animal death
exist inside all
the moments of weakness
the moments of fear
when vulnerability arrives

the animal knows
that which the human denies
the animal accepts
that which the human hides
the little moments are the real

the animal death within
outside the husks of angels and gods
raiments dry rigid scraping against
the moments of disbelief
the moments within the lies

at the moment of animal death
the eyes know true dark
the ears true silence
the heart learns true stillness
and the mind winds down

the animal waits
as the light fades
and as all the sounds disappear
as the last touch comes and is gone
inside the animal death

lower than angels we live
higher than the beasts
yet in the beasts is truth
in the beasts the moments exist
and in the beasts the moments cease



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