Sunday, April 14, 2019

the new god

once we fell in love with the weapons we made
we were lost souls wearing false raiments
for a cursed god we would worship from hereon
the sacrifices stacked and burnt on the sacred ground
remnants fertilizing the soil sown over and over
war an insatiable god without beginning or end

this is the generation of hollowed spirits
directionless and drifting while dying creating death
a grave opened at birth’s onset the labor futile
even the conception is tainted in violence and hate
with every thrust of the sword into the flesh of the given
the blood flows as humanity seeps out into the soil

the purpose of sorrow is forgotten a husk discarded
the reason for tears reduced to dust and weariness
faceless soldiers facing a faceless enemy 
in a nameless country we cannot find on a map
with faceless people who do not have names we know
and whose deaths will never affect us

the spectacle performed before the massed thousands
watching enraptured the distant millions safe from harm
the greatest athletes vie for our adoration within their wombs
the artificial life the artificial game the artificial glamor
and unlike war there are rules schedules and even time outs
where each conflict is measured ranked and rated

this worship knows no bounds insatiable it demands
to be legitimate decisive without debate without question
and it’s the treacherous enemy and the faithful friend
until the sides are changed and all is rearranged
and the wounded hidden away secrets out of sight
and we recruit the faithful from the helpless horde

once we learned to hate for reason beyond needs
we lost the ability to see sameness and accept difference
hate is always easier than love to maintain
and difference is always easier to hate than to love
easier to fear than to accept easier to shut out than let in
the new god smiles down upon us as we worship



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