Sunday, April 14, 2019


hate arises from somewhere within
unbidden and shameful and tasting
of some unknown moldy sour fruit
it sicken the tongue and burns the lips
and leaves the mouth rancid and rotting

hate the master and i the slave
i never knew i had so much hate in me
where does it live, reaching the point
then bursts forth from its womb
leaving the face twisted and scarred

hate bubbles and boils under the skin
awaiting the pin-prick to burst
to spew and writhe and disgust
driving thought and knowledge away
until only ignorance is left

hate is so much stronger than love
dormant and then reanimated
with the slightest taste or smell
hate lingers beneath biding and plotting
leaving its shell in the moment

hate fills so much that is inside me
i wonder that I can contain it all
i fear to open my lips or eyes or ears
lest more flow in filling and bulging
leaving it nowhere to go but out

hate has the human face and body
the heart and soul are empty husks
hate has the life of a god
the ability of turning joy to misery
leaving the sun blotted out the stars black

hate is cunning and cruel and mindless
i have learned to live with my hate
to disguise my true nature, masked
to cast my eyes away from the real
leaving a pleasant lie on my face

hate has the power to turn life to death
mewling and whining and spitting
the unseeing unfeeling and grim
without the benefit of grace or mercy
and only the primitive urges remain



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