Sunday, April 14, 2019

the odd sadness

the ambulance singing its
undulating song is flying by
someone’s worst day come to be
i feel an odd sadness 

not for the unknown patient
not for the worried family or concerned friends
i spare no thoughts for them
but for my little dog 

for years the song of the ambulance
the dissonance of the various announcements
the warbling of the rag and bone man
have raised her head and lifted her voice

but not today
today she barely glanced up from her warming bed
and my admonishment stopped in my throat 
a lump of a word half swallowed half spit up

a few moments pass the ambulance returns
is the sound of the siren more or less hopeful
i glance at her bed but she does not look up
but maybe a twitch of an ear betrays her



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